I can’t lie. Ducktales was one of my favorite NES games as a child. As you may (or may not) remember, Capcom released the original version of their Ducktales video game for the NES back in 1989. It was produced by the key personnel from the ever-popular Mega Man series. WayForward Technologies recently decided to re-imagine this game with updated graphics for the Playstation 3, Wii U, and XBox. Check out the trailer below.
Video Games
A Touch Of Realism For Mario Bros and Donkey Kong
Posted by vinnykumar | Illustrations, Random, Video Games | 2 Commentsvia rampagedreality. deviantARTist xxEpicxx made these cool illustrations that give a touch of realism to Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong. These were created for an upcoming commercial campaign.
Only In Japan: Sega To Release The ‘Toylet’ Video Game
Posted by vinnykumar | Only In Japan, Video Games | No CommentsHaha… I did not take it seriously when I read about it a few months ago, but Sega is introducing a video game system called “Toylet” that will be playable in the urinal stalls of public bathrooms. The system will go on sale in Japan in November at a price of $1,850.
The system has an infared sensor that sees the approach of a person and sets the screen to game ready display. Then microwaves hit the stream of **ahem** urine to detect its speed, volume, and duration, which is used as a controller for the game. Of course direction plays a part as well. Check out the video after the break. (may be NSFW if you consider a naked statue to be not safe for work).
via technabob. Nintendo announced the release of its new console, the Wii U, at the E3 press conference. The next generation console comes with 1080p HD video quality, HDMI output, internal flash memory, storage, and full backwards compatibility. Nintendo also seems to have reinvented the controller as well – it seems to look like more of a tablet with a 6.2 inch touchscreen, dual analog sticks, ABXY buttons, shoulder buttons, built in gyroscope and accelerometer, and a player-facing camera and microphone. This should be released in 2012. You wan watch some of the target/reference footage displaying the graphics, and an informational video below.
Sometimes I wonder if this cycle of buying a new copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will ever end… probably not. I’m still enjoying every new game. Check out the trailer below. Modern Warfare 3 will be released on November 8th.
Logan Fulton and his friends recreate the Call of Duty zombie playing mode in this live action fan film. Pretty cool! Check it out below.
If you are a Call of Duty: Black Ops fan, you will be happy to know that the new Zombie map pack, “Escalation” will be released today! You can watch the video trailer below.
Special effects master, Feddie Wong, shows us what a first person shooter (ala Call of Duty) would look like in real life… I wonder if video games will ever look like this… <scratches head>…. Yeh, probably…
“Call of Duty: Black Ops” Video Game Surpasses $1 Billion Mark
Posted by vinnykumar | Video Games | No Commentsvia Forbes. Call of Duty: Black Ops has now officially made over $1 billion in worldwide sales since it’s launch a little over a month ago… The game is amazing. If you don’t have it, go ahead and buy it.
Apparently, I was pretty late to jump on the Angry Birds bandwagon… but the game is surprisingly fun! It’s available for the iPhone and iPad and is the top paid app (as usual) in the iTunes App store. Rovio Mobile Ltd just released the Christmas Edition of this wildly popular franchise. Good news, if you bought the Halloween Edition, this one is a free upgrade.
PURCHASE (Regular Edition): iTunes
PURCHASE (Christmas Edition: iTunes