Hello Kitty Model Kit by Joseph Senior

Posted by | June 09, 2010 | Cool Stuff, Toys | 5 Comments

UPDATE: I initially credited this to Stilletto Ninja, but was informed that this Hello Kitty Model Kit was actually drawn by Joseph Senior. Pretty cool… haha. More after the jump.


  • Just thought I should clear up something.
    Stiletto-Ninja has nothing whatsoever to do with these pictures.

    They are some of my illustrations that he has put on his Flickr page. Please don’t give him credit for these.

    (the guy who drew them).

  • Vinny Kumar says:

    Thanks man. Really cool drawings. I just fixed my post…

  • Hi There Vinny…I just thought I’d stop by and say that I made the same mistake on my post about these…hahaha…it’s cool that Joespeh was nice about it though 🙂

    By the way, kudos to you for that post about that track by Hurts that features Kylie Minogue…I think I’m gonna pick up that album as well – they’re both great artists!

  • Hi there, just stopped by doing some research for my Hello Kitty site. Amazing the amount of information on the web. Not quite what i was looking for, but cool site. Have a good day.

  • Stacy says:

    Joseph-are these available to purchase?? I would like to do a piece on this for a website I write for.

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